Friday, May 1, 2009

American Indians and Medicine

One of my classmates is doing her final project on medicine. She is comparing American Indian medicine to Western medicine. I think this project is really interesting. I used to pop pills like they were going out of style when I had a backache or headache. Probably within the last 10 years I have tried to adjust that. I have learned to instead try drinking water first. Something as simple as drinking water usually cures a headache or backache for me. I have recently become interested in alternative medicine because of another issue that I have been dealing with for the last three years. I like that balance is a huge concern for American Indians and I think that there medicine practices probably reflect that as well. I also really enjoyed hearing how everything they used was from nature. Porcupine quills for needles. Another student's presentation talked about how American Indians were the first recyclers and I think they were and are still today very involved in the environment. If only the rest of us had joined in on the cause long ago, we wouldn't have a "Green Movement", being "green" would just be a part of our lives.


jehockl said...

Pills are so overused in modern society. Its absurd. They destroy your stomach and kidneys. They told us take Asprin daily to prevent heart attack... based on a study that killed where 90% of the subjects were dead by the time the study was done. <3 water

Angela Haas said...

Yes, I *heart* water, too. And I avoid pharmaceutical meds whenever possible. That's why I've been nursing this upper respiratory infection for so long!