Wednesday, April 8, 2009

F.C. Martinez

This week we read poems by Qwo-Li Driskill. Hir poems are very well-written, thoughtful, powerful, imaginative, creative and thought-provoking. Driskill ends hir book with a series of poems written in memoriam for FC Martinez, Jr. Our professor provided us with a newsarticle of the horrific tragedy that took place in Colorado. This event took Martinez's life and Shaun Murphy pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. FC was a two-spirit, just like Qwo-Li is, and was the victim of an apparent hate-crime against transgendered, gay individuals.
I was curious to find out the result of the sentencing and I can report that Murphy received 40 years and must serve 25 before being eligible for parole. More on the story can be found here. There is a nice statement from FC's mother that really shows her character. I can not begin to imagine what it must feel like to lose a child to such a terrible crime. My heart goes out to FC's family and friends.
I think what I take away from all of this is that it seems to me that the Indian community is much more tolerable of differences than other communities. Accepting people for their differences - actually, embracing people for their differences is what is going to make this world keep going. If we don't start now, it will be too late in the future.


Collin Braasch said...

This post presents some truly great ideas about how we cannot keep just reacting and remembering and instead we must progress and learn to tolerate all differences between people for the better of man/womankind.

Angela Haas said...

I appreciate that you did extra research on this case, and that you're using gender neutral pronouns. Go you!