Thursday, April 2, 2009


This week we have been talking about Indigenous Feminism. For the most part, I liked the articles that we read. I will admit that I have never thought of myself as a Feminist. I think because when I picture a Feminist I see a woman who is not very feminine, bra-burning, man-hating, insert word that rhymes with witch. That is the negative connotation that has come across to me most strongly when I think of feminism. Now, if you ask me if I think women deserve equal pay, equal vote, equal rights...Absolutely. If that makes me a feminist then I guess I am. I really enjoyed reading about the connection between feminism and the earth and environment especially when it was illustrated that women are the first environment. I feel sorry for the women who have had miscarriages, not due to a hereditary element but to an environmental element that could have easily been prevented if the big companies had been more responsible. Women who go through the pain of miscarriage have a big enough burden than having to worry about trying to battle big companies. I think that it is amazing what some of these Native communities are trying to do and to accomplish not just for the good of their own nation and people but also for the planet.

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